****UPDATE!! Just created the jake button! It takes you to the index.****

Welcome to Sunny's portfolio for digital arts!

This is sunnys 2023 portfolio of all of her work in class, at home and just random achivements + important things to me!
This website is stricly made for schoolwork so if youre a random browser on neocities please IGNORE THIS.

In this website Sunny will proudly be showcasing:

Pictures taken on her iphone
Past art show awards from years and years ago
And of course my work from this classroom!

click on jake kaufman (AKA the best composer to ever exist on the universe) to enter the index.

thanks for stoppin by!          

Hello everyone! This is a public service announcment! heeeeeelo! i am so sick and sad that you are so sick and tired lol i the worst thing about you is being selfish and not really hurts you so badly and you feel better now and you feel like that you don't want to talk to you again and forgive me yourself if you're so ill please forgive me for being selfish and selfish lol you don't want to talk about it anymore and i’m just saying you love you so bye bye love you bye bye but hypothetically why don't worry about it and you dont understand why you're so mad at me and i you hate being selfish lol i'm the same way about that girl and i to me again and you never loved me and my sister was like oh wow lol lol yes yes ma'am! yes okay thank goodness i have to go back home and i’m gonna die and die die lol lol yes i sun but people keep telling me "orange" but I still prefer "pink" they dont understand its hard for me still i want to go home and wear my socks and sleep im sleepy yes and when i wake up it will be a new day and new people to battle in the flying roaring jet above us why dont they understand us they dont understand dragons theyre extinct right? either way we are better than luka magnotta honestly we are luka haters but saying this might fill his ballistic ego (that part was not random generated I just wanted to say that honestly) the chic gangster liked to start the day with a pink scarf and I was like yo we are running out of time because literature is dead and alexander told me the wake behind the boat told of the past while the open sea for told life in the unknown future.

yes this is in the iconic ranfren style because I LOVE RANFREN!!!!!