****UPDATE!! Just created the jake button! It takes you to the index.**** This is the last part of this website then im done!

Now what we are all here for.. heres my digital arts projects!

This page will be split up into different sections, first the videos, then my digital art, and then my not so cool art that isnt THAT impressive but im still proud of.
***This website is stricly made for schoolwork so if youre a random browser on neocities please IGNORE THIS.***

I know that the stuff here isnt like THE BEST stuff youve ever seen but I tried!

:) :) :) :) :)


>>>Heres the progress for my culture tattoo! first is the VERY rough draft, then when it was in photoshop then finished!<<<


I chose this design because my cousin Tiana has this one super cool tattoo on her arm like it, hers is a woman though and has a couple of flowers that my gradma used to love

I decided to use her tattoo as inspo and make my own version because I have always thought hers was super duper beautiful. After I was finished I showed her and she loved it :)) (thank God)


>>>Then I decided to make cat game characters for the pixel art unit which was interesting, my friend even made them a song! (scroll down)<<<


Then I decided to make cat game characters for the pixel art unit which was interesting, my friend even made them a song! (scroll down)

I actually gave them names! Blue cat: Rasko, Pink cat: Razu, Tiny alien: Derev, Big alien: Spalko


Some of these are super old im somewhat proud of them so take a lookie


(i am adding more later but basically above is a painting I made a couple years ago, some.. abstract art and a rice cat meow)